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Hotels, B&Bs und Selbstversorger-Unterkünfte in oder in der Nähe von Brampton

The small market town of Brampton in Cumbria, England is located approximately 9 miles east of Carlisle and 2 miles south of Hadrian's Wall. An octagonal Moot Hall which was built in 1817 dominates the town. There are a great host of places to eat and drinks along with accommodations to cater to everyone's budget and taste. Lanercost Priory, Talkin Tarn Country Park, Gelt Woods are some of the top places to visit around town. Das SpeedyBooker-Netzwerk bietet eine Reihe von Unterkünften in oder in der Nähe von Brampton. Unten finden Sie diejenigen mit Verfügbarkeit für die ausgewählten Daten, einschließlich Churchill College, Cambridge und Chalmers Street - Unite Students, Edinburgh.
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