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Hotels, B&Bs und Selbstversorger-Unterkünfte in oder in der Nähe von Saltash

Saltash is a town in south Cornwall, located across the River Tamar from Plymouth. Known as the home of Royal Albert Bridge which was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and was built in 1859. It is an excellent base for touring Tamar Valley where visitors can enjoy the beautiful views across the river. The town offers excellent leisure facilities, shopping centre, pubs, restaurants and cafes, offering something for everyone. Das SpeedyBooker-Netzwerk bietet eine Reihe von Unterkünften in oder in der Nähe von Saltash. Unten finden Sie diejenigen mit Verfügbarkeit für die ausgewählten Daten, einschließlich Crocadon Farm Self Catering Accommodation, Saltash und Pure Astor House, Plymouth.
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