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Convento de Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña, Sos del Rey Católico

Kloster Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña
Kloster Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña
Kloster Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña


Accommodation: 34 single and double rooms with a private bath. Both men and women are welcome. Closed at Christmas. During the month of July, the hospedería is usually booked.

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Einrichtungen und Informationen

Religiöse Orden


Merkmale und Einrichtungen

Unterkunft im Kloster


Vollpension verfügbar

Historisches Anwesen


Bettwäsche inklusive

Handtücher inklusive




Empfohlene Spaziergänge

Historische Häuser


Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Convento de Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña, Sos del Rey Católico, Sos del Rey Católico50680, Spanien

By car: From Pamplona take N240 south and exit at A127 following the signs to Sanguesa and then to Sos del Rey Católico. Once in Sos, follow the signs to the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Valentunaña.

By train: Getting to Sos by public transportation is not easy. There is only one bus from Zaragoza, leaving at 7:00 am. It is best to get off at Pamplona and take a bus to Sanguesa and a taxi to Sos.

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