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Monasterio Santuario de Santa María de Estíbaliz, Estibaliz

Kloster Santuario de Santa María de Estíbaliz
Kloster Santuario de Santa María de Estíbaliz
Kloster Santuario de Santa María de Estíbaliz


There are two kinds:

1) Outside the monastery: 10 single rooms with shared baths; some can be turned into doubles. Both men and women are welcome.

2) Inside the monastery: 10 beds in single rooms with a private bath; only men seeking retreat are allowed.

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Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Monasterio Santuario de Santa María de Estíbaliz, Estíbaliz, Estibaliz01193, Spanien

By car: From Vitoria/Gasteiz take N1 east towards San Sebastián. At an intersection going towards San Sebastián or Estella, go right on route 520 and follow the signs to Estella for approximately 7 kms.

By train: Get off at Vitoria/Gasteiz and take a bus to Estíbaliz.

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