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Berne Abbey, Heeswijk-Dinther

Torbogen, der zum Kloster Bern führt
Torbogen, der zum Kloster Bern führt
Torbogen, der zum Kloster Bern führt
Ein Panorama des Klosters Bern und seiner Gärten
Ein Panorama des Klosters Bern und seiner Gärten
Ein Panorama des Klosters Bern und seiner Gärten


Through a beautiful round gate, you will enter the Berne Abbey, the home of a Norbertine community. It is the oldest monastic community in the Netherlands, founded in 1134.

Norbertine spirituality is based on the rule of Saint Augustine and the ideals of Saint Norbertus. This close-knit community has a deep contemplative tradition based on prayer and self-reflection. At the same time, they have a strong outward orientation, being active in the local community through their pastoral work and their openness and hospitality to visitors from all backgrounds. "In this meeting we can experience everyday life," according to guest brother, Fons Boom. These values have led to a large circle of devoted supporters connected to the abbey.

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Merkmale und Einrichtungen


Retreats angeboten

An das Kloster angeschlossene Unterkunft


Gebäude aus dem 19. Jahrhundert

Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Berne Abbey, Abdijstraat 49, Heeswijk-Dinther, North Brabant, Heeswijk-Dinther5473 AD, Niederlande

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