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Franciscan Monastery, Megen

Das malerische Franziskanerkloster in Megen, Niederlande
Das malerische Franziskanerkloster in Megen, Niederlande
Das malerische Franziskanerkloster in Megen, Niederlande


The old town of Megen is a gem in the Dutch landscape. In earlier times, it was an enclave of religious freedom for Catholics. For many centuries, Megen has provided both the Franciscan friars and the Clarissa sisters of Saint Josephberg monastery a place to thrive. This medieval town, situated in a meander of the river Maas, is an oasis of silence, and has a wonderful historic atmosphere. It is also known as ‘small Assisi’, after the birthplace in Italy of the medieval Saint Francis and Saint Clara. The Franciscans have been living in this small town on the Maas since 1645, leading to its second nickname given by the locals 'Assisi on the Maas'.

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Retreats angeboten

Unterkunft in der Nähe des Klosters

Religiöse Orden



Gebäude aus dem 17. Jahrhundert

Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Kloosterstraat 6, Megen, North Brabant, Megen5366 BH, Niederlande

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