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Orval Abbey

Die Pracht der Abtei von Orval spiegelt sich im klaren Wasser wider
Die Pracht der Abtei von Orval spiegelt sich im klaren Wasser wider
Die Pracht der Abtei von Orval spiegelt sich im klaren Wasser wider
Die alten Ruinen der alten Abtei von Orval
Die alten Ruinen der alten Abtei von Orval
Die alten Ruinen der alten Abtei von Orval


Orval is derived from the French words, val d’or, and means 'golden valley'. It is indeed a lovely spot in the Ardennes forest, near the French border. According to legend, the origin of the name comes from the 11th century, when the countess Mathilde of Tuscany was walking through these majestic surroundings. While pausing to drink water from a spring, her wedding ring slipped off and sank into the deep pool. To her astonishment, a fish surfaced and returned the ring to the Countess. Her despair lifted, and in acclaim of this seeming miracle, Mathilde pronounced: "From now on, I wish that this place be called Val d'Or”, and hence, ‘Orval’. It is in this beautiful setting you will find the impressive Orval Abbey. After passing through the gatehouse, you enter a spacious courtyard, dominated by a large triangular pond. On the opposite side, is the abbey church and massive stone statue of Mary and the Christ child, recessed within its front facing.

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Merkmale und Einrichtungen


Retreats angeboten


Gebäude aus dem 13. Jahrhundert (oder älter)

Religiöse Orden


Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Orval Abbey, Villers-devant-Orval, Luxembourg, Villers-devant-OrvalB-6823, Belgien

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