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Saint Benedict's Abbey / De Achelse Kluis

Das Eingangstor der Abtei Saint Benedict, Hamont-Achel
Das Eingangstor der Abtei Saint Benedict, Hamont-Achel
Das Eingangstor der Abtei Saint Benedict, Hamont-Achel


The Saint Benedict's Abbey, better known in the area as the Achelse Kluis (Achel’s Retreat), lies directly on the Dutch-Belgian border, identified by the boundary line and national flags in front of the abbey's entrance. The Trappist abbey is located in a beautiful natural area with woods, fields, and meadows. Cyclists and hikers traversing the area, often seek rest and cold drinks in the abbey’s cafeteria. The Trappist abbey itself is a spiritual center of prayer and silence. Visitors are restricted from entry and the abbey no longer offers accommodations for overnight guests. Guests are most welcome however, to the religious services held in the abbey chapel.

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Adresse: De Kluis 1, Hamont-Achel, Limburg, Hamont-Achel3930 , Belgien

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