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Saint Paul’s Abbey, Oosterhout

Abtei und Garten St. Paul in Oosterhout
Abtei und Garten St. Paul in Oosterhout
Abtei und Garten St. Paul in Oosterhout


Since 2006, the apostolic community, Chemin Neuf (New Road) has been residing in Saint Pauls’s Abbey, one of the abbeys of the ‘Holy Triangle’ in Oosterhout. The former community of Benedictine monks had recently vacated the abbey. The older monks went to a elderly home for monastics. The new community, an international and mixed-gender group of devotees and their families, continues the tradition of work and prayer. In addition, they also receive guests in the abbey.

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Anreiseinformationen und Wegbeschreibung

Adresse: Saint Paul’s Abbey, Hoogstraat 80, Oosterhout, North Brabant, Oosterhout4901 PK, Niederlande

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