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Saint Josephberg monastery, Megen

Eine Seitenansicht des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen
Eine Seitenansicht des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen
Eine Seitenansicht des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen
Die Tore des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen
Die Tore des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen
Die Tore des Klosters St. Josephberg, Megen


Like the Franciscan friars, the Clarissa sisters at Saint Josephberg monastery have also found an open and nurturing environment in Megen. The sisters take their namesake from the town’s ‘spiritual link’ to Assisi in Italy, the birthplace of Saint Clare, a devoted follower of Saint Francis of Assisi and the founder of the ‘Order of Poor Ladies’. As a young woman, Clara was deeply influenced by Francis' way of life, and in her own way gave shape to Franciscan spirituality by leading a secluded life of self-privation and prayer. Her followers are called ‘the Clarissas’ or ‘Clarissa sisters’. 

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Adresse: Saint Josephberg Monastery, Clarastraat 2, Megen, North Brabant, Megen5366 AK, Niederlande

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