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Ermita de Bonany, Petra



The accommodation provided is 5 double rooms with a shared bath. Both men and women are welcome.

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Informazioni & Servizi

Caratteristiche & strutture

Sistemazione all'interno del monastero


Palazzi storici


Informazioni d'arrivo e direzioni

Indirizzo: Ermita de Bonany, Petra - Puig de Bonany, Petra07520, Spagna

By car: From Palma de Mallorca take C715 towards Manacor. Go north at Vilafranca de Bonany (PM331) following the signs to Petra. From Petra follow the signs or ask for the Ermita de Bonany.

By ferry or plane to Palma: From Palma de Mallorca take the bus to Petra. From there it is about 2 km to the Hermitage. Taxis are available in Petra.

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