Furnished with style, rooms with private bathroom, air-conditioned rooms, large common area with kitchen and accessories.Located in the outdoor shopping center of Piazza Dalmazia, also famous for the local daily market, Giuliani Home offers all the amenities that make your own pleasant permanence in the pearl of the Renaissance. The recently built tramway allows you to get to the heart of the city in 10 minutes; the stop is 100 meters from our house; in the area there are numerous shops and services for all categories of goods: ovens, jewelers, women's and men's underwear, clothing, telephony with all operators, pharmacy, herbalists, ice cream parlors etc. The daily local market is a real exclusivity. Moreover we are very close to: Caregg ie the hospital center; university and scientific institutions, offices of large companies and multinationals, goldsmiths and printers; University of Novoli, with a commercaile park of S. Donato, a new Palace of Justice, etc.
Check-in: 13:30 (1:30) - 20:30 (8:30) ( Gli arrivi possono essere consentiti al di fuori di questa finestra se i piani di viaggio non possono essere modificati, tuttavia questo e` soggetto in base alla disponibilita`)
Check-out: 08:00 (8:00) - 12:00 (12:00)
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